Denver Water’s Lead Reduction Program

Whether you’re a homeowner, property manager, or renter, you’re painfully aware of the dangers lead poisoning in water presents. You can’t smell, taste, or see lead in drinking water, which makes it all the more dangerous. Worse yet, the most common sources of lead in drinking water come from lead pipes, faucets, or plumbing fixtures that could be part of your home without you even knowing it! In fact, certain pipes that carry drinking water from the source to your home may contain lead, especially plumbing fixtures, welding solder, and pipe fittings made before 1986. What does that mean for homeowners and property managers?

There’s good news! Denver Water has a Lead Reduction Program designed to address and fix this very issue. If you own property in the Denver area, it may be a good idea to take advantage of the services they provide, whether you’re a homeowner or property manager. So, what does Denver’s Lead Reduction Program entail?


Though the water provided by Denver Water is lead free, there are risks involved with how the water is delivered to your home. Specifically, lead can get into water as it moves through lead-containing household fixtures, plumbing, and water service lines. That’s why in December of 2019, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment approved Denver Water’s Lead Reduction Program, with the sole purpose of delivering safe water to their customers. The program has four pillars of focus.

#1 pH adjustment: By increasing the pH level of the water, the risk of lead and other metals contaminating the water from lead service lines or household plumbing is reduced significantly.

#2 Inventory: Creating and maintaining a publicly available inventory of all customer-owned lead service lines in the Denver area will keep all interested parties up to date on the latest.

#3 Lead Service Line Replacement: By replacing lead service lines with copper lines at no cost to the customer, Denver Water eliminates one of the greatest risks for lead contamination.

#4 Filter Program: By providing all homeowners (or renters) suspected of having lead service lines with a free water pitcher, filter, and replacement filters, Denver Water can ensure their customers are safe until their water line is replaced.

Denver Water has made it extremely easy for their customers to ensure they have the safest water access set up in their homes. If you’re a homeowner or property manager in the Denver area, don’t delay in safe-proofing your home against lead poisoning. Better yet, if you’re looking for help managing all aspects of your property, be it selling your home, or finding a property manager—let us help. Contact us today for a free consultation to see how we can help you!

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